i'm trying to locate the web site for a vacation booking company called flordia travel estates?
2006-04-07 17:25:01 UTC
the company is offering a really good vacation package for really cheap i talked on the phone with a rep but i can't seem to pull up the web site. this company says they offer this corporate rate once a year to only so many families in each state
Two answers:
2006-04-07 18:47:30 UTC
I've never heard of this company. Have you tried running a search on Yahoo! or Google? I'm not sure that this sounds very legit to me. The fact that there website doesn't come up is one red flag.

I would definitely do some reasearch on this company prior to giving them any credit card info or money.
2006-04-14 12:31:10 UTC
So call them up and book yourself on the phone.

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