I am going to Disney World this week for the first time. Does anyone have any special insider tips for me?
2006-07-31 08:32:53 UTC
I am going to Disney World this week for the first time. Does anyone have any special insider tips for me?
92 answers:
2006-07-31 10:32:26 UTC
You don't say if you are staying in Disney or outside. I could go on and on with tips. I LOVE the place!

Make sure you bring your camera. They also have employees that take your pix. They will give you a card with your "special" number on it and whenever you see these people you can have your pix taken, just give them your card and all your pix will be put on there. It's free...unless you want to buy a pix off there. You are under no obligation to buy though.

You also don't say how long you'll be there...but if more than a couple of days, make sure to get the "hopper" pass. This way you can go to see more than one "world" at a time (Magic Kingdom, Epcot, etc.).

You want to make sure to see the fireworks show at Epcot at night. It's fantastic! If you're only going to see one, see this one. The magic kingdom has one too that if you want to see it in a romatic light, go to the Polynesian Hotel and go out to the beach and sit there to see it (you might even find an empty hammock to lay in and watch it!).

Most of the popular rides offer Fast Pass (I don't think you have to pay for it, but not sure). You swipe your ticket/card in a machine and it will print out a time for you to go and ride that ride and it will be a minimum line. What we did, if it wasn't too long of a line, we'd get the fast pass and then get in line to ride and we'd get 2 rides in a short time. If the line is extremely long, then don't waste the time waiting in the line, just do the Fast Pass. Here's a link to info on the FastPass:

In the evening (and even during the day) over at the Boardwalk they have some bikes called Surey's. They are like a buggy, but everyone can pedal the bike around the lagoon. Lots of fun and you rent them for the hour, if I remember correctly.

Here are some other things to see or do (remember, with this being your first trip..and probably not your can't do it all...pick out things that interest you and do them all...then if you have time, go to your next in line)

At Epot there is:

Over at Innoventions West, you can pick up a cool and, believe it or not, FREE souvenir. After a three-minute show, the Cast Members at the Pixography station in the Xerox exhibit will take a digital color photo of you and your group, then mount it on a calendar or other Epcot-related design, so that you can take it home.

Feeling homesick? Or do you think the folks back home are missing *you*? You can let them know how you're doing by emailing them a picture cyber-postcard of yourself from the IBM exhibit in Innoventions West -- there are three email kiosks set up there. There's usually a line, but it's still worth the time it takes -- you can even send an email to yourself, so you can reflect on your happy times once you're back home!

Even better than a still photo is the video clip (complete with audio!) you can send from the Internet Zone presented by over at Innoventions East. Best of all, both the IBM email and the video clip are free!

Hidden Mickets abound! You just have to look!Adventureland is also a great place to practice your Hidden Mickey spotting ability. Did you know that there are about a dozen Hidden Mickeys in the Pirates of the Caribbean alone? Don't know where to begin to look for these little images of Mickey that the Imagineers have disguised in the theming of the attraction? Start with some obvious ones, like the cannonballs in the ride's loading area (they form a tri-circle Mickey head!), and move on to the more obscure -- for example, there are supposedly three weld holes that form a Mickey head on the plane in the Jungle Cruise, but I've never been able to see them! (Check for a full list of Hidden Mickeys throughout Walt Disney World!)

At MGM Studios:

A little further along Echo Lake, just before the entrance to the Indiana Jones Epic Stunt Spectacular on your left, is something that looks like an abandoned well. You'll see a weathered old sign that reads "Do not pull!" but the NOT is crossed out. Give it a pull for a very funny surprise!

Just across from the Backlot Theater, where the Hunchback of Notre Dame show was performed, is one of the most whimsical overlooked attractions in the Studios. There you'll spy an umbrella attached to one of the streetlights. Grab the crook of the umbrella and step on the square embedded in the cement underneath it for a refreshing surprise, ala "Singin' in the Rain" and Gene Kelly! (Note, though, that during times of water restrictions, this effect may be turned off to conserve water.)

Finally, Andy Mation, a "balloonimator," performs in the Animation Courtyard of Disney-MGM Studios weekdays, creating elaborate balloon sculptures. Teaching as he goes, he enchants the audience with his knowledge of Disney animation trivia and quick wit. Wearing a bright yellow costume and surrounded by a smiling crowd, he's easy to spot! Be sure to look for him when you're back in that area.

Animal Kingdom:

One of the most enchanting, yet most overlooked, experiences at Disney's Animal Kingdom occurs about 15 minutes before the park even opens -- The Awakening. Rafiki, the wise old baboon from The Lion King, rewards early risers with a greeting of the new day and is soon joined by many costumed characters, such as Terk, Timon and King Louie, as well as real creatures and their handlers. All this great start to the day costs you is a little early morning sleep -- it's worth it!

Another crowd-pleaser that you may walk past without realizing it is DeVine -- creeping kudzu never looked so good! DeVine is really a performance artist dressed in foliage from the top of her green-painted head to the bottom of her stilt-wearing toes. She rests unobtrusively against a tree or a wall, suddenly springing to life to tease an unsuspecting passerby or chase down disrespectful teenagers or others who dare make light of her art.

Want to wreak revenge on someone, anyone! after getting drenched on the Kali River Rapids? Be sure to stop on the bridge after exiting the ride. You'll find two elephants whose trunks will spout water at the unsuspecting riders below if you push their buttons.

If you like looking for Hidden Mickeys, you won't be disappointed here. There's one in Mr. Panika's back yard (look for the Mickey shirt!) at Kali River Rapids, as well as several in the beautiful gilded murals along the Maharajah Jungle Trek (check out the one prince's earring).

Skip the Wildlife Express Train here...remember it was the petting zoo and you had to walk forever to get there after getting off the train. It had some 'interactive" booths, but there was long lines and they weren't worth it.

The hotels and parks offer "refillable mugs" Here is everythin you need to know about those!

Everything you wanted to know about refillable mugs!

Refillable Mug: About $12 at the hotel. It's only refillable at the hotel and refills are free. You can take it to the water park with you and buy a barcode to be put on it for $6 and it will be refillable there all day too.

Of course. There is one exception to the only-in-that-food-court rule: the All-Stars. The three All-Star resorts (Music, Movies, and Sports) all share a mug design and are the only resorts where you can "beverage hop". Again, this is just for the length of your Resort stay, and the other Value Resort, Pop Century, is not included in this privilege.

There are two mug styles: one that is tall and skinny with a smaller base that will fit in most vehicle cup-holders and the other that is a tad shorter but much squatter and appears bigger. Believe it or not they both hold the same amount (14oz), so it just depends on which you prefer. Again, if you routinely take drinks in your car you may want to opt for tall and skinny to prevent accidents, but that is completely a personal preference. One note on the seemingly larger of the two designs: due to the lid's design you lose about an ounce of fluid to make room for the lid, so while it does hold the same amount of liquid you might want to take a few sips before adding the lid on!

Want a henna tatto or a hair wrap, here's info on those also!

How About A Henna Tattoo From Morocco?

By Tammy - May 2, 2002

In TheMouseForLe$$, Tammy wrote:

Here is some info if you want to get the henna tattoos at Morocco:

There is one CM who does these. Her hours are posted by the tent in Morocco. She has a book (about 2 inches thick) of designs. You can do a wrist design, an anklet design, or any number of "icon" designs anywhere (upper arm, hand, etc.)

You pick out the design and she notes the price on a handwritten receipt. You'll then take that into the little gift shop next door where you pay. Then, you take your paid receipt back out to her and she will create your tattoo.

After the tattoo is done, she asks you to come back in twenty minutes. She then sprinkles it with lemon and sugar (makes it darken). She'll give you printed instructions on how to take care of it.

Some tips:

1. This area is very popular with teenagers! Again, she is the only one who does this so you will probably have to wait in line. If time is an issue, you may not want to take the chance.

2. Knowing the procedures helps. Walk up, browse through the book, get her to write your ticket and proceed to the gift shop. I've seen potential customers hang around and watch her do 2 or 3 people before asking where to pay. Some designs take 20 minutes so this can really mess up your Epcot touring.

3. If you're going to swim, do this late in your trip. Chlorine wreaks havoc on henna and your $$ will be left in Disney's swimming pool!

More tips from the editor: First, no needles are involved! The design is painted on and is completely painless. Bring a small bottle of olive oil with you if you plan on getting a tattoo (or plan to ask for it at a local restaurant). A crust forms over the design which slowly flakes off over a 24 hour period revealing the semi-permanent skin tattoo underneath. The final instructions are to apply olive oil over the next few days to darken the tattoo. The semi-permanent tattoo usually last about 1 to 4 weeks. There is a wide range of prices for the tattoos based on the elaborateness of the design and how much time it takes to do. The general range is $12 to $45 with even more expensive tattoos available. To learn more about henna tattoos and see an examples of designs check this out (How About A Henna Tattoo From Morocco?

By Tammy - May 2, 2002

In TheMouseForLe$$, Tammy wrote:

Here is some info if you want to get the henna tattoos at Morocco:

There is one CM who does these. Her hours are posted by the tent in Morocco. She has a book (about 2 inches thick) of designs. You can do a wrist design, an anklet design, or any number of "icon" designs anywhere (upper arm, hand, etc.)

You pick out the design and she notes the price on a handwritten receipt. You'll then take that into the little gift shop next door where you pay. Then, you take your paid receipt back out to her and she will create your tattoo.

After the tattoo is done, she asks you to come back in twenty minutes. She then sprinkles it with lemon and sugar (makes it darken). She'll give you printed instructions on how to take care of it.

Some tips:

1. This area is very popular with teenagers! Again, she is the only one who does this so you will probably have to wait in line. If time is an issue, you may not want to take the chance.

2. Knowing the procedures helps. Walk up, browse through the book, get her to write your ticket and proceed to the gift shop. I've seen potential customers hang around and watch her do 2 or 3 people before asking where to pay. Some designs take 20 minutes so this can really mess up your Epcot touring.

3. If you're going to swim, do this late in your trip. Chlorine wreaks havoc on henna and your $$ will be left in Disney's swimming pool!

More tips from the editor: First, no needles are involved! The design is painted on and is completely painless. Bring a small bottle of olive oil with you if you plan on getting a tattoo (or plan to ask for it at a local restaurant). A crust forms over the design which slowly flakes off over a 24 hour period revealing the semi-permanent skin tattoo underneath. The final instructions are to apply olive oil over the next few days to darken the tattoo. The semi-permanent tattoo usually last about 1 to 4 weeks. There is a wide range of prices for the tattoos based on the elaborateness of the design and how much time it takes to do. The general range is $12 to $45 with even more expensive tattoos available. To learn more about henna tattoos and see an examples of designs look here:

All you want to know about Hair Wraps!

If you want pix with the charaters, check in at the info desks when you enter into the "worlds" and they can tell you who will be where and when.

In Frontier Land they have movies at night along with campfires and roasting marshmellows. The buffet there is excellent also. It's kind of out of the way, but worth the trip (less expensive than some of the others are). There is the Hoop-de-doo Revue too, but you need ressies for that.

The buses, monorail and boats are a great way to get around Disney. FYI, the ferry can take more people onboard than the monorail so if you're in a bigger hurry to get to the Magic Kingdom, the ferry is probably quicker...but the monorail is cooler! It has air conditioning.

I fyou are at the Boardwalk and want to get to Epcot, take the boat that leaves from the lagoon. Much shorter ride than the bus.

Pleasure Island is fun at night too. Each night is New Years there at midnight and they set off fireworks too.

I've not even touched on the water parks (each has their own "specials" and are fun. Don't waste your time with the mini's expensive and even though they have water surpises at some of the holes, it's not really worth it unless you have nothing else to do.

If you are very pushed for time, unless you are very into animals and zoos (even though most of the animals were "hiding" when we were there, twice) I'd not worry about Animal Kingdom. The best thing we found was the tree of life and then the "3D movie that was inside it" was great too. Other things were nice, but just not so much our "cup of tea".

If you have a child with you, when you go to Epcot, go into the souvineer shop and buy a World Passport. As you walk around all of the countries, you have your passport stamped at each place and most will write a message to you in that language. Fun for the kids to say they've now been around the world! Each area usually has some kind of "craft" for the kids to do too.

In Epcot on the ride called Fast Track, if you are willing to ride without your friends (each ride seperately) you can go much quicker and more often if you like it. They are always looking for "singles" to fill in the additional seats.

Well, sorry you asked? I have so much more but I think they will ban me from the site if I continue!

Just have fun..pick out what you want to do the most and do all of that first..then "fill in" with the rest. Just know, you'll not be able to do it all (we've been there 10 times now and still have not done it all). Don't make it a vacation that you have to have another vacation when you get back just to relax. Relax and have fun there!

Enjoy!..and pixie dust to you!
2016-03-16 13:32:57 UTC
Well I've been quite a bit, and here's some things I've found to be usefull. :] - If there are two rides that are really popular that you want to go on (like Mt. Everest and the Safari, for example), when you get in the park, split up your group. Let one person go to the Safari and get a fast pass, and then start to get in line for Mt. Everest. Don't go too fast, though, or you'll ride it before the one person returns! - Go on the Safari at 11-11:30, by the way. They tell you to go when the park opens, but that's a big lie. The animals are too tired to do anything. 11 is around lunch time, so you're sure to find a lot. :] - When you go to Epcot - WALK STRAIGHT TO SOARIN. Do NOT do the first tip for this ride, because the line goes riddiculously high. After soaring, you should ride the test track and mission space first. The World showcase attractions' lines never get too long, anyway. - Magic Kingdom is a crapshoot. You could either get there on a day where the lines are moderate or outrageous. Basically, just chill out, don't get mad, and go with the flow. :3 - MGM... Eh. It's not my favorite park, so I don't really have much to say about it. You'd deffinatley want to ride the Tower of Terror and the Rip Ride Rocket, but other than that... hmmm... Oh, yeah, they have a new Toy Story ride (it's aimed for little kids), and the line for that is just... wow... (in a bad way, haha). - and the water parks, I'm sure you know, are amazing. :D Now much to say there! - But mainly, my best advice is just RELAX. The LAST thing you want to do is get stressed out or mad at Disney World! Just laugh it off, have fun, and ignore the heat (and prices! XD). Have an outline of what you want to do, but make it flexible. Take time to just roam around the park and enjoy it's beautities. You'll probably find things that you wouldn't have before! Have fun! x
2006-07-31 12:54:15 UTC
1. Bring a water bottle along. There are drinking fountains all over the park where you can fill them up. It beats paying $4 for a bottle of water.

2. Bring a poncho- it rains a lot there. We usually just buy the disposable ones and then throw them away before we leave Florida.

3. Take a camera. There are many photo opportunities there.

4. Bring lots of money. Everything there is expensive.

5. Use the Fast Pass option on popular rides like Soarin or Space Mountain.

6. Get there early and start at the back of the parks. Many people start at the front because they get distracted. You can get a lot accomplished this way.

7. Wear light colored clothes. It is very Hot there.

8. Wear comfortable shoes. There is a lot of walking.

9. Bring sunscreen. You don't want to get sun burnt.

10. Get a spray bottle with a fan. You can find them at Wal Mart a lot cheaper than Disney's version.

11. The Magic Kingdom is more crowded on the weekends.

12. If you can, eat some meals out of the park. Disney's food is very expensive.

13. Have fun!!!
2006-07-31 09:56:10 UTC
Last time I was there (couple years ago), the Fast Pass did not cost extra. Even if it has changed and now it costs, it's still worth it to save time in the lines. Be aware that not all rides have a Fast Pass. Be sure to get a map for each member of your party when you come in, and it will show which rides have a Fast Pass. If you are taking kids 9 or under, plan to have one expensive meal at the Crystal Palace in the Magic Kingdom at the end of Main Street on the left. They have all the Pooh characters walking around and the food is some of the best at Disney, plus it's buffet so that can be your only meal of the day if you time it right. Stop by as soon as you enter the park to get a meal reservation time. I suggest between 2 and 3...fewer people and you can then skip dinner. One advantage to staying on Disney property, free buses to and from all parks saves you the parking fee (about $15 last I knew) and they run every 20 minutes from all the Disney resorts. One standard tip in all the books: when you enter a park for the day, go to the back and hit those rides, then work your way to the front to avoid longer lines. Wear good comfortable walking'll need them. And if you are not used to walking a lot, take bandaids for blisters.
2006-07-31 13:10:39 UTC
When it's hot - stay out of the sun from about 1- 4 pm - as these are the hottest times of the day.

If you are staying at a resort on Disney property - take advantage of the shopping valet service - you can buy souvenirs and then have them sent back to your room.

At each park look for the information board...this will tell you the wait times of each attraction at the park and if there are any technical issues. also sometimes they have special events were all you have to do is ask at the information counter - check that out as well :)

Food is generally expensive at the park, but they do have some family style restaurants where it would be one price, all you can eat. So if you are hungry - those are a good bet.

Sign up for Fast track when you can...this is a ticket that will print out an appointment time for you to be at the ride, this way you will have little to no wait.

In Epcot go to Innoventions, lots to see and do and sometimes the newest models of things.

Bring water with you and stay hydrated get a big covered mug and fill it with ice...then place a bit of water - about 1/3 of the cup...this will start the ice melting and keep you with water for a long time.. Do some easy rides that are cool and relaxing.

Most importantly enjoy!
2006-07-31 10:46:29 UTC
Yes, Lots. Number 1...Take lots of water.

Get the hopper packs they have 2-4 day park hopper packs that saves you a little but allows you to go in and out the 4 different parks as much as you want. So you can spend the day at the animal kingdom and then go to Disney world that night for the parades and fireworks. Try and get there early and not stay during the heat of the day but go back to the hotel and chill in the pool then go back to the park in the evening to catch the rest of the rides. Everest is the best roller coaster. Pirates of the Carribean is closed for renovation. Use the EZ Pass system. This allows you to move ahead in lines for rides and costs nothing extra. So for example, You EZ pass Space mountain and then get on its a small world ride. So once you are done with its a small world then you head to space mountain and move up in the line. Do this for every two rides and your wait times are cut way down. Have fun.
2006-07-31 11:19:03 UTC
Expect to pay alot for food. All food is expensive down there. If you can buy meal vouchers before you go (ask you travel agent or check out disney worlds website) then do it.

Get fast passes for the most popular rides. They're easy to use - you just insert your park pass at a machine at the ride you want, and it will give you a time to come back. This will save you lots of time, and you can visit the attractions with shorter wait times until it is time for you to use your fast pass.

If you or your child want the pin trading necklaces, buy that at the beginnning of the vacation (assuming you are staying at Disney for several days) so you can trade the whole week (or duration of you vacation)

Buy a poncho before you go, buying it at Disney is expensive.

Dont forget sunblock and water bottles.

Travel as light as possible - bring only necessities with you, and a camera.

Added note: whoever mentioned the food & wine festival in Oct was right - thats when I was there. Besides just being fun, it was really good food for great money.
2006-07-31 10:40:07 UTC
Keep your cell phone charged and give your kids a piece of paper with your cell phone number on it to call if they get lost.

Bring a digital camera with a large memory card and a laptop to download the photos at the end of each day.

Bring an almost empty suitcase with you so you will have room to bring back your many many souvenirs.

Set up a character meal in advance... even months in advance.

Don't skip Epcot, even if you have kids, they will love the many different countries. Shoot for October when they have the Food and Wine Festival. You will get to taste food and wine from all over the world.

Allow a full day to shop, eat and hang out at Downtown Disney.

Hit 1 park a day, and after a couple days, take a day break (that's when we hit Downtown Disney or the beach) so you don't wear yourself out. Worst thing is to come back from a vacation and need another one to recover. Allow enough days.

Bring your own Autograph books if you have kids, and go ahead and try the pin trading, you'll enjoy it, especially the kids.
2006-07-31 13:14:20 UTC
Park hoppers. Different parks close a different times.

Go around the end of October. Not as many people because school has not let out.

If you are staying in a hotel or resort not connected with Disney, try going a half an hour after the park opens to miss the crowd.

Good Luck and have fun!
2006-07-31 10:41:31 UTC
Don't overplan. You won't get as much done in a day as you think you can.

I disagree about staying in the Disney hotels. There are many advantages to staying with Disney--including their "magical express" service to and from the airport. It's more convenient to stay in their hotels, and on some days Disney guests can get in early or stay late at the different parks. Personally, I love the Port Orleans/Riverside. (Well, I really love the hotels right on the monorail track, but those are really, really pricey.)

FastPass is great for the most popular attractions. Saves you a lot of wait time.

There are great guidebooks out there that you can buy. They're worth it because they're so full of information. They even break down which parks are more crowded on which days of the week.

Check out as well as

You're in for a treat!!!
2006-07-31 10:56:06 UTC
Get Fast Passes at all the most poplular rides as soon as possible. They give you the opportunity to skip to the front of a line during a window of time They will say come back between the hrs of 2:00-4:30. The downside is you can only have 2 or 3 fastpasses at a time. But if you do it right you can eliminate hours of waiting each day.

At MGM you have to try Aeorsmith rockin rollercoaser and Towerof terror, they are right next to each other.

At Magic kingdom Space mountain, alien encounter,
2006-07-31 10:41:43 UTC
Buy Park Hopper tickets instead of buying them individually. That way you can go from park to park all day everyday.

Bring a plastic poncho in case of rain. They charge about $25 for a Disney brand one once you get there.

Use a SMALL back pack intead of a purse, you will get tired of carrying a bag around. Pack wet wipes. They are great for wiping the sweat of of yourself and get rid of the stickeyness.

Pack a hand held battery fan in you can find one. They are great for standing lin the hot lines.

Just relax and enjoy truly is the funnest place on earth!!!

I made the mistake of not staying at a Disney Resort the first time I went. We ended up paying just as much as the cheaper Disney resorts and the service stunk! I would highly reccomend a Disney Resort.
2006-07-31 10:34:47 UTC
There are lots of practical answers here - wear good shoes, bring water, wear sunscreen - but here's a little secret someone told me.


It sounds strange, but if you get there early (like shortly after the gates open), go to your left instead of to the right. Disney World is set up in a big circle, and most people naturally stay to the right. If you go to the left, you'll get into rides and shows faster because most of the people are on the other side of the park. Midway through you'll meet up with the crowd, and you'll be back to the longer waits, but at least for a while you can beat the crowd.
Ms Pepsi
2006-07-31 10:34:44 UTC
As the others said, stay on the park grounds if you can, buy a "park-hopper" ticket so you can go to multiple parks. Another advantage to staying in one of the disney hotels is the extra hours they have only for people staying on the property. that, plus the free transportation on the buses makes it worth it. we stayed in the movie hotels, and they weren't any louder than any other hotel. definetly go with the fast pass where you can and don't miss the "Hoopty-doo" dinner show at the wilderness park! We went 3 years ago and were talking about how much fun it was just this past weekend. lets see...........dont miss the fireworks, and parades. you can get a schedule of when they are in each park and arrive early to get a good seat. definetly bring water, we went in august also and it was HOTTTTT!!!! and it WILL rain every day! but unlike here in Ohio, it rains for about 15 minutes, and then stops and dries up and you wont know it rained 20 minutes after that!! one more thing, visit disney's website and try to plan as much of your day as you can so you know where you're going. (of course you dont have to stick to the schedule exactly, but it helps to not run willy-nilly through the parks with no idea where any thing is) Ouch, that's alot! oh well, have fun!!!
2015-01-24 14:40:49 UTC
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2016-02-22 06:51:13 UTC
Just across from the Backlot Theater, where the Hunchback of Notre Dame show was performed, is one of the most whimsical overlooked attractions in the Studios. There you'll spy an umbrella attached to one of the streetlights. Grab the crook of the umbrella and step on the square embedded in the cement underneath it for a refreshing surprise, ala "Singin' in the Rain" and Gene Kelly! (Note, though, that during times of water restrictions, this effect may be turned off to conserve water.)
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2006-07-31 08:40:05 UTC
Have a lot of patience. The lines to the rides can be really long. Wear a lot of sunblock and reapply often. Carry a water bottle with you so you're not dehydrated. Stay outside the park; hotels in the park can be so crowded and loud. Have fun!

Check out Disney World's official website for more info
2006-07-31 09:54:19 UTC
1.Bring plastic ponchos with you in a backpack so you can slip it on during a rain shower and keep having fun.

2. Bring snacks with you so you can eat on the run.

3. Take your time at each park.

4. Make dinner reservations NOW!!

5. tip your maids and they will make you cute washcloth animals

6. get to the parks early

7. take a digital camera with the largest memory card you can


8. tell Mickey Boohoo will see him in Jan. 2007!!

9. Have the photo people at the parks take all the pictures of your group as possible. It is fun to see what they do and you can look at the pictures via the internet when you get home!
2006-07-31 08:42:55 UTC
Make sure you take your camera, if you don't then you will probably buy one up there for 20 bucks or more. Last time I was there you were able to take your own drinks and food for lunch. Which could save you money if you want to do that. I would buy that quick pass ( I don't remember what it is called exactly) but it saves you time, instead of waiting in line you can just walk up to a ride that you want to ride, slide your card in the machine and it prints out a slip with a time on it, and you can just come back in 30 min and ride that ride. It will cost you extra money but it is way worth it!!

Have FUN!!
2006-07-31 15:24:32 UTC
Wait until around four or five pm to go on the rides. Not only are the lines much shorter because it's later in the day, it's also quite a bit cooler then as well, which will make the waiting more comfortable.
2006-07-31 12:18:17 UTC
Buy souvenirs, food, and anything else you forget to bring with you (or can't bring into the park) as soon as possible after you enter the gates. Prices get higher the deeper into Disney World (indeed, any theme park) you are. Try getting on rides at non-peak times, usually early morning and late evening. And have fun!
sweet ivy lyn
2006-07-31 11:24:23 UTC
For about 30 or so dollars you can get a VIP pass that allows you to have "front of the line access" and preferred entry to certain shows/restaurants....bring a bag that you can carry as a purse or wear as a backpack; leave heavy pocketbooks at home; bring just a credit card, some cash, water; wear fluffy, absorbent socks and comfortable shoes, depending on what hotel you're staying at, some of them have early admission or stay later policy for their guests; try to break it up, maybe go for 4 hours in the early morning, back to hotel to swim/rest, then back to the park maybe 5pm or so till closing if you can; get a multi-day pass!
2006-07-31 14:49:17 UTC
You bet I do. I have been to Disneyland and Disneyworld many times. It's simple. Do not visit the shops along main street or throughout the park until u are almost ready to leave the park. Ride the main rides first. (Haunted Mansion, Pirates of the Caribbean, Hall of Presidents, etc.) If you are taking toddlers, visit Fantasyland for them early in your day while they are energetic.Don't miss the nighttime parade of lights(used to be called the Electrical parade.) Watch the shows after you have ridden all the rides. Do this in each park U visit. Get to each park before opening time, and stay until closing time. Spend every available moment in each park. In other words be efficient with your time. You should have the time of your life. Disneyworld/Land is wonderful. One more thing....take me with you!
2006-07-31 12:58:17 UTC
E-mail them as to what you can take in for food and snacks. They did respond to my e-mail in about a day. If you can get a camelback water backpack into Disneyland, that'll help.

Summertime is hotter than H_ll in there. The pavement and surrounding metal from the games give off lots of heat. Their is plenty of shade, but the thing is, your kids will be wanting to go everywhere.

For adults, the best ride is Indiana Jones Adventure Ride. The thing is underground and totally awesome.

Good Luck, take lots of money.....
2006-07-31 10:11:06 UTC
Have a good time, first off.

Be sure to wear comfortable shoes. Don't wear anything you don't want to get wet. You will get wet, either with sweat or water from the rides. Wear light colors, black only adds to the heat. Bring a visor, or a cap to keep the sun off of your face. Bring a small towel, you can use to get it wet to freshen up every once in a while. You can get it wet and take it with you in your purse, but carry it in a zipper bag if you keep it in there.

Have a good trip.

2006-07-31 16:02:28 UTC
You have to go to Magic Kingdom, Epcot center and MGM studios. Magic Kingdom has the most rides. Epcot center has a lot of restaurants but children find it boring because it's about different countries. In MGM studios you got to go on the Aerosmith roller coaster and on the Hotel Tower ride. Have fun!!
2006-07-31 13:43:26 UTC
Get ready to spend a lot of money (Try to eat before you go to the park and take some snacks for the kids) ... Make sure to wear comfortable clothes and shoes. If you have a child that doesn't like to walk take a stroller. Make sure to take extra batteries for your digital camera. Have fun :)
2006-07-31 15:45:29 UTC
Just that there are some very limited edition dolls in the gift shop(s) there; ones that are either not available elsewhere, or rarely available elsewhere. Even if you are not a doll collector yourself, any doll collector on your gift list this Christmas will bless you many times. Or you could sell it on eBay at a nice profit if you wait a year or two, until the edition is sold out.
2006-07-31 14:20:34 UTC
Read up on it on the net first. Find out where you can prepurchase passes for the rides. Plan your day ahead of time so that you don't get confused or frustrated. Always have a bottle of water with you and wear comfortable shoes. :o)
2006-07-31 12:37:59 UTC
Bring enough money, bring a camera to take a picture with mickey mouse, if its hot wear clothes thats not gonna make you sweat, have a disney land map with you cuz there is a possibilty you may get lost, and also just have a great time. i wanna go back! lol
2006-07-31 12:51:51 UTC
i was just their buy some ponchos now they are very expensive bring your own water and just fill them up in the drinking fountain,WEAR COMFORTABLE Shoes your feet will get tired, bring little snacks, the magic kingdom is always crowded the most on mondays don't go on mondays also go on splash mountain first you'll get in right away if you wait you'll wait for 2 hours. Get Fastpass for soaring,peterpan,etc.also you have to wait in line for a long time. Have Fun you will always want to go back
Katlyn ♥ Disney
2006-07-31 12:18:53 UTC
LOL Well, so many people answered this question, I'm not even going to bother listing all the information and tips I could give because it most likely won't even be read. But I'm going this week, too, so I'm excited. I leave early tomorrow morning! : ) Have fun!
2006-07-31 10:49:04 UTC
Eat before you get to the park. The prices are 4x higher inside. You'll have to eat later but this will save you money.

Wear comfortable shoes, wear sunscreen, take a disposable, waterproof camera.

Have fun!
2006-07-31 16:58:53 UTC
In my opinion, I thought Magic Kingdom was ok, it is more for kids 10 and younger. You'll still have some fun. But a lot of stuff is geared for young children.
kayla marie ♥
2006-07-31 15:37:16 UTC
pack water bottles b/c everything down there is super expensivee. eat a really big breakfast so you dont have to buy much food while your in the park. all you'll really have to buy is a snack. bring an umbrella just in case and keep the sunblock on at all times cause its a pain afterwards when your really sunburned. HAVE FUN!
2006-07-31 13:10:49 UTC
ride all the rides cause u don't know when u ever going back, don't eat before u ride rockin Roller Coaster, Tower of Terror, Mission Space. HAVE TONS OF FUN. Bring lots of money so u can buy Ur own stuff have fun
2006-07-31 10:26:21 UTC
Take lots of money specially when taking little kids (they will cry) bring sunblock and carry a camera with you and also a water bottle and sunglasses. wear something you feel ok with and dont bring anything expensive (such as jewelery,labtops,ipods etc.) because the chances of loosing it are really high.
wendy e
2006-07-31 14:49:37 UTC
The one thing that stands out in my mind was how expensive the food is. Eat before you go and bring water and snacks. I think a water bottle is like $5.00. Have a great time!
2006-07-31 12:01:55 UTC
Use the Fastpass system.

Here a few other sites that may be of service:

If you've been to Disneyland in California, you can skip the Magic Kingdom. It's basically Disneyland, but the name's changed, and it's in Florida.
2006-07-31 16:24:25 UTC
I suggest Epcot, it is a very great experience to try, with all the different cultures. I also suggest having dinner at one of the resteraunts there, they are AMAZING. I like the Italian alfredo resteraunt, personally, because I am a vegitarian.
2006-07-31 12:46:57 UTC
Get this book and read through it:

Then plan out the rides and things you want to see before you get there. There is also a kids version if you are taking kids.

Enjoy the experience.
2006-07-31 09:59:44 UTC
If you have young children, take walkie talkies. Never loss sight of your kids/younger siblings (If you have any). Fast Passes are great, so you don't have to stand in line.Take snacks and lots of money. Wear lots of sunblock and reapply often. Take water. Wear light colored clothes (White is the best).
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2006-07-31 13:15:58 UTC
SUNBLOCK!!!!! You will get burned here!!! Pay for a character meal, (Chef Micky is our fave) It will cost, but you will get a better visist with the characters in a more relaxed setting. The major characters are nowin their own houses, and you have to stand in linr to see each of them, with tehe character meals, you will avoid those lines, saving time for the ride, and shows.

2006-07-31 11:03:22 UTC
As you are going for the first time--better you take me with you as I have not seen it yet and so I can give you support---as both will face the same problem--as new there.No one will feel down.Is it not a good idea?
2006-07-31 13:49:04 UTC
-Make sure you take sunblock. Lots of it.

-Make dinner reservations quick.

-Make sure you take a camera with you.

-Take lots of money with you.

-Use the hopper pass system so you won't get tired after two rides.

-Sunglasses, Hat, etc.

-Take ponchos jic it rains

-Bring light snacks - beware those long lines

-Make sure you use cell phones to keep in touch if you get lost.

-Take lots of water :)

-Wear light clothes, and prob wear a swimsuit underneath for water rides

- and most importantly, have fun!
2006-07-31 13:30:09 UTC
the lines r really long,some things r expensive.and if ur going 2 epcot,the ride that i like best was test track and mission space.also,u should wear shorts or something,cuz it's really hot in orlando.i should now cuz i live here.hope u have fun! =)
2006-07-31 13:53:06 UTC
COMFY shoes. Take at least 2 days if you're doing both parks. LOTS of water and sunblock.
Gray Matter
2006-07-31 11:06:41 UTC
Yes. Bring a ton of money. The place is a tourist trap.
2006-07-31 14:59:05 UTC
Rest the day before, wear good walking shoes and have fun. You can't see it all in one day so enjoy what you can
Jeremy© ® ™
2006-07-31 16:09:45 UTC
take lots of money

go at a time of year when everyone is n school

so that the lines will be shorter
2006-07-31 16:29:59 UTC
yeah don't go. freaking rip off place. make everything magical my azz. That place charges you an arm and leg only to pay the employees bare minimum.
2006-07-31 14:03:31 UTC
When entering, go past the lines to the last ticket booth- it is usually much shorter.
2006-07-31 15:54:03 UTC
have fun, don't buy overpriced knicknacks, and watch out for pickpockets and long lines. Have a nice time!
2016-05-19 03:08:39 UTC
There are many people who would laugh at the prospect of changing their fates. This is because it believes that nobody gets more that what is written in his fate.
2006-07-31 12:51:36 UTC
If you have no conscience, rent a wheel chair and you get to go ahead of the lines,
suri cruise
2006-07-31 11:57:46 UTC
get the fast pass, and bring a lot of money. go to the magic kingdom and MGM, Epcot is ok
2006-07-31 11:44:22 UTC
Take lots of money, go early ( we have thunderstorms everyday), be patient and sign up for express riding.
2006-07-31 16:56:18 UTC
go early early early and run to the back of the park first and work ur way forward. it works great at every theme park.
2006-07-31 11:10:57 UTC
Rent a wheel chair. You can skip the long lines.
2006-07-31 11:34:32 UTC
Make sure you see at least one of the 3-D shows.
2006-07-31 15:32:09 UTC
Take lots of money and just have fun and try new things
2006-07-31 16:59:54 UTC
use the easy pass. it'll save a lot of hassle.
2006-07-31 12:52:38 UTC
if ur stressing out during the day cuz its hot or the lines are too long...dont take it out on the cast members. its not their fault.
Giggly Giraffe
2006-07-31 13:32:05 UTC
Oh, you're so lucky!!!

Have fun, and find time to give each other space --- fun can be exhausting.

Kiss the Mouse for me!!!
2006-07-31 12:15:46 UTC
Take the underground tour.
2006-07-31 10:13:59 UTC

Study the above site. Enjoy.
2006-07-31 12:11:00 UTC
Space moutian or something like that if you like roller coasters or the teacups if you don't
2006-07-31 09:08:41 UTC
cheap disney package here username is password is 0128888. Price and book
2006-07-31 15:05:24 UTC
get an autograph book and have all the characters sign it it is really fun once u have a TON
2006-07-31 12:51:51 UTC
well 1st take like lots of money! 2nd where good shoes! 3rd take water so you dont pass out!
2006-07-31 11:13:44 UTC
well, bring lots of $$, be paitent in line, go to all the parks, and do as much as possible.
2006-07-31 15:37:13 UTC
get a ride hopper(or something wit hopper in it) ticket. its for when there is a long line you can just put it in a machine and u get a ticket its like a credit card
2006-07-31 16:05:31 UTC
yes i have a tip for you take A LOT of MONEY because it is VERY EXPENSIVE at Disneyworld .
2006-07-31 11:07:30 UTC
take lots of money, lots of clothes, deoderents , baithing suits and everything and be very very patient and remeber not to go alone anywhere and if you do, be careful...
2006-07-31 10:01:32 UTC
take a towel(wet rides), extra pair of clothes, your own lunch, camara, sun screen, water. and snacks
rob O
2006-07-31 11:36:58 UTC
Earplugs or just drink alot.
2006-07-31 10:13:42 UTC
Watch out for the charcters they will attack
2006-07-31 13:35:20 UTC
buy your souvenirs at near by dollar stores
2006-07-31 16:04:32 UTC
watch out for when u get pictures with dale the chipmunk he will give u a kiss!
2006-07-31 15:11:24 UTC
yea watch out for mickey he likes to pinch girls butts!
2006-07-31 09:44:32 UTC
take snacks its expensive to buy food and drinks there
2006-07-31 16:32:05 UTC
don't go broke and have fun
2006-07-31 16:22:07 UTC
dont go during the summer! ITS SOOOOO HOT YOU CANNOT EVEN BREATHE!!
2006-07-31 16:35:19 UTC
it can get really, really crowded and HOT! but it is really fun!♥♥♥♥♥
2006-07-31 08:36:29 UTC
take lots of money.
2006-07-31 12:47:15 UTC
don't wear heels
howard the duq
2006-07-31 13:02:55 UTC
yes, don't go
2006-07-31 12:31:41 UTC
Be a real tourist and HAVE FUN !!!!!!!!!!!!
2006-07-31 11:29:43 UTC
have fun!
2006-07-31 09:59:59 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.