don't bother with the express pass it's only ONE per ride AND the HP main ride is NOT on it! if there are 4 of you i would seriously think about staying the night in a universal hotel - it makes your room key a fast pass and you can do both parks in one day then!! i would go straight to IOA and MAP OUT YOUR DAY in advance. now.... here's some of the skinny..... frozen butterbeer it AWESOME and about $7 for the one in the souv. cup
flight of the hippogifff is the old flight of the unicorn. again hang onto the camera if you can as you WILL see buckbeak/witherwings ;)
the old dueling dragons is now the dragon challenge
olivanders wand shop - there was a three hour wait when we were there. email me if you want a hint i refuse to make public lol
honeydukes - it's awesome to see but it there is a can get most of the items elsewhere in the park system!
there are two ways into that section - one is passing the school and the other is by the express..... make sure you see them both. the one passing the school is a SUPER photo op :)
the new simpson's ride is a hoot.
don't forget a ziploc bag for your camera/cell phone on the water rides.... you do not want to mess with your pictures :)
here is a hint with the potter ride.... one of your get in line immediately - who cares if you get split up you will find each other. there are lockers inside the castle -- ONE OF YOU STAY IN LINE, give your stuff to the other(s) and get the lockers - you can't take stuff on -- but do NOT leave your camera -- you WILL want it for the walk/wait in line. make sure it's got a strap so you can wrap it around your wrist on the ride. also flip flops..... i would take them off on the ride and put one on either side of your fanny ;)
i'm so jealous i want to go back!!!!!